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10th Annual Luau Fundraiser

Saturday, August 10th, 2024
3:15 - 4:45 K9 Meet and Greet, 5:00-8:30 Luau

Sean's K-9s 10th Annual Luau Fundraiser

The luau is our biggest fundraising event of the year, and we're happy to announce that we will be having it at Napredak Hall again this  year! We are so excited to see you all and celebrate the Sean's K-9s family.


The event will include delicious Hawaiian BBQ, as well as the music and hula that make our event so popular every year. You can also expect interviews with local departments and K-9 handlers, and who could forget our silent and live auction items? Bid before, during and after our event to win some incredible items!



Individual Ticket


Full Table for 8


Modifications if required

Our event will follow any Santa Clara County guidelines and recommendations for outdoor events at the time of the event.

The following modifications may be made if guidelines require it:

  • We will adhere to Napredak HallÊ»s policys on masks at the time of our event.  

  • Food service will continue to be a service buffet (not self service)

Changes may be made as the situation continues to evolve.

Event Will Include

Butterfly Release

Hawaiian BBQ

Ukelele Band


Silent Auction

Live Auction

Raffle Items

Handler and K-9 Meet and Greet

...and more!

Download & Share the Event Flyer.png


Saturday, August 10th, 2024

3:15 - 4:45 PM K-9 Meet & Greet

5:00 - 8:30 PM Luau


NAPREDAK HALL, 770 Montague Expressway, San Jose, CA 95131 *note venue change

Thanks to our 2023 Luau Sponsors

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Would your business like to sponsor an event? Contact us at

Online Auction
Online Trip Auction
Keep up with Sean's K-9s
Sean M. Walsh K-9 Memorial Foundation

+1 408-657-3269


Sean M. Walsh Memorial Fund

P.O. Box 5062

San Jose, CA 95150

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  • YouTube
  • Sean's K9s LinkedIn

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@2022 Sean M. Walsh K-9 Memorial Foundation; 501(c) non-profit organization

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